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Who's Life Is It Anyways?

Breakthrough with Lew: Unleash Your Potential and Live Your Dreams!

Welcome back, my friends! 
Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart – taking control of your life and making your dreams a reality.

Starting from childhood, we get programmed to believe that someone else is in charge of our lives. Our parents control the basics, then the schools force a one-size-fits-all mentality – sit down, shut up, and don’t talk to your neighbor. That may have worked for the factory worker future of the 1950s, but not in our modern world where communication and creativity are the keys to success.

In our latest video, we explored the incredible journey of Sylvester Stallone, from broke to superstar. This was no accident, my friends. Sly had the cards stacked against him, but he refused to take no for an answer. He didn’t sell out or settle for less than his dreams.
What did Sly do instead? 
He had a plan, stuck to it, and kept going until he got exactly what he wanted and more. 

You know what? There’s a formula for this kind of success. 
It’s called the “Tool of Not Giving Up!” and it’s your ticket to breakthrough.

Here’s how it works:
  1. Know exactly what you want, and know your “why” – your powerful, driving motivation.
  2. Tune out the naysayers, both in your own mind and in your peer group.
  3. Make a plan and take massive action. Remember the MAP and GPS we discussed in the video.
  4. Adjust as necessary as you learn and grow. Keep what works, discard what doesn’t.
  5. When you fail (and you will), it’s time to learn, grow, toughen up, and give it another go.
  6. Celebrate your wins and share your wisdom. Teaching is the ultimate mastery.
My friends, this journey won’t always be easy, but I can’t stress enough that you only get one life. This is not a rehearsal – this is it. So live your life today like it matters, because it does. Live with faith, energy, passion, and always, always live your dreams.
Watch the video, take action today, get some coaching, and step up to the life you desire and deserve. The world is waiting for you to unleash your potential.
Live your breakthrough!
– Coach Lew

Founder XLR8LIFE University and CoachLew.com

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I appreciate you all and please remember to share the show and with anyone you think could benefit! 

Make sure to Catch All My Live Shows!

Monday 7AM

Breakthrough With Lew 

Tuesday 7:30PM

Healthy & Wealthy With Lew

Thursday 7AM

Small Biz Talk With Lew 

Thursday 7:30PM

Coach Lew After Dark

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