You made it!
I know you made it becuase you are here! The question is how did you make it?
You made it! Now what?
Welcome back from your turkey coma!
Now maybe you ate clean, didn’t overuse alcohol, and got plenty of rest during the Thanksgiving break or maybe you didn’t! Either way we are here at Monday morning and either you are felling good and ready to rock or maybe you did it again and you are sick or at best tired from the Holiday!
The fact is here we are at the beginning of a fresh week and the beginning of the Holiday season!
If you did good through this, then you now have the tools to get passed the “flu season” and the other Holiday pitfalls, if not what part of what I taught last week did you miss?
Let’s review really quick the ways to be healthy and stay healthy through the Holidays:
- Make sure to eat clean, 90/10 rule
- Get the rest and sleep you need
- Take steps to lessen stress and steps to combat the effects of the stress you can not avoid
- Stay physically active (exercise and personal)
- Avoid alcohol, smoking and any unnecessary drugs!
- Stay hydrated
- Remember to be grateful
Whether you made it through Thanksgiving with flying colors or you are flat on your back sick…. There is still time to get it right and rock through the Holidays!
Want to set yourself up to really master this? Want to get a jumpstart on 2023?
The best way is to put H1 (health first) and take on the new year with a new you body and attitude. Too many people waiting for the New Year, why don’t you get a rolling start or a “Jump Start”?
Get a rolling start by getting HEALS which is my 30-day end to end healthy lifestyle course where you can really get it all under control AND enjoy the lifestyle you design! Click here to check out HEALS!
For you jumpstart I am talking about rebounding!
Here is your H1 tip of the week!
A rebounder is the small trampoline!
What are the benefits of rebounding? Glad you asked!
- Helps maintain bone density
- Moves your lymphatic (sewage) system
- Good cardio activity
- Done right fun!!
There is only one rebounder I can stand behind and that is Bellicon. Why Bellicon?
I have several reasons:
- Proper ergo design to protect your skeletal system. The light impact of rebounding should not strain the joints, my Bellicon is amazing when it comes to design, many of the cheaper discount store brands are hard and create compression in the spine and joints.
- Made with super quite bands. You don’t need to wake up the neighborhood with cheap squeaky springs that can break or worse if you miss the pad with your foot and hit the bands on the Bellicon rebounder it is way better than hitting steel springs!
- The quality and the options are endless, you choose the size, the firmness, the options and the colors you want, and it gets delivered to your door!
I have tried all the rebounders and after lots of research including finding out which rebounder Tony Robbins uses; it became the clear choice that Bellicon is the best rebounder for me and the only one I can recommend to you and feel right about making the recommendation!
Some super coolness also is the Bellicon Black Friday sale is on till the end of the day November 28th and you will receive 15% off and when you use my code Revitalize5 you will get an addition 5% off but time os limited so do it now!
I do want to let you know I am an affiliate of Bellicon which means I will receive a small commission of you use the links here to order so please do as that helps me to be able to continue to bring you content!
With that said that is not the reason I recommend the best rebounder to be Bellicon, the reason is that I believe it is and that is what I want for you is the best rebounder not the cheapest, not the one who pays me the most for a referral, but the BEST Rebounder money can buy in my opinion!
My friends this is not always going to be an easy journey but I can’t stress enough that you get one life, this is not a rehearsal for the next go round! Live you life today like it matters because it does and it is the only one you get!
With that all said make sure to watch the video, take action today, get some coaching and step up to the life you desire and deserve!
Live with faith, energy, passion and always live your dreams!
-Coach Lew
The above links are affilaite links meaning if you use them to order I am compensated by the sellers of those products.
This is not the reason I recomend them rather it is the belief I have in the products. It does help keep Breakthrough With Coach Lew on the air so I would appreciate you using my links to order!
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