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Encore presentations and blog below!


What Now

What Now? You may ask what now? Find out in the video of the weeks episode of Breakthrough With Lew! My friends this is not

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Action Baby!

Action Baby! Taking action is the key to success! Are you ready for some action? Who knows what to do, wants to do it and

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Is your GPS on?

YOUR GPS! Where is your GPS taking you you? Hi guys Coach Lew again! My question for you today, is your GPS set? What does

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Rolling Start

Rolling Start Let’s roll on in to 2023! Don’t wait get ahead of the pack! While everyone else is waiting and contemplating, why don’t youo

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Always Done!

Always Done! Do what you aways do, get what you always have gotten! Always done! Have you ever asked someone why the do something and

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You made it!

You made it! I know you made it becuase you are here! The question is how did you make it? You made it! Now what?

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Thanksgiving! The true meaning! What does Thanks-Giving mean to you? Thanks-Giving You may have noticed I hyphenated the famous Holiday of Thanksgiving in the title.

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What is your Y?

What is your Y? How does your “Y” affect your whole life? What is your “Y” Do you ever wonder why sometimes some people go

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Beyond Fear

After fear comes….

After fear comes…… Freedom Baby!  Beyond FEAR is…… FREEDOM! Have you ever feared something and then just stepped-up stared fear in the faced and took

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Can I really?

Can I Really? Have you ever felt that fire of passion for something and knew you could, only to shoot yourself down minutes later by

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Damaged not dead

Damaged not dead! Damaged Not Dead! Damaged not dead! Coming off a hurricane in Florida we have seen a lot of damage in different parts

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Fear To Freedom

Fear To Freedom Going from fear to freedom! Fear, Anxiety, panic and depression…words that are all too common today! In a world of instant gratification,

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The Secret Is……

The Secret Is…… What is the real secret to succeeding at anything you want? The truth boils down to one word….  As we discussed in

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Lost your passion?

Lost of your passion? Where is the passion! Lost Your Passion? Are you feeling like the best is behind you? You are not alone! Why

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Uptime Downtime

Uptime Downtime What is your ratio? Have ever feel “if I could just get or take a break I could do so much better, feel

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Time 4U

TIME 4 U! What about me? Time 4 U! Have you ever stopped for a second and asked, What about me? Especially in today’s world

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Breaking BAD Habits

Breaking Bad Habits Break BAD habits for good this time! Last week we talked about developing habits! What new habit or habits did you install?

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Monday 7AM

Breakthrough With Lew 

Tuesday 7:30PM

Healthy & Wealthy With Lew

Thursday 7AM

Small Biz Talk With Lew 

Thursday 7:30PM

Coach Lew After Dark

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