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Encore presentations and blog below!

Memorial Day Edition
Memorial Day Edition What will your memorial be? Before we begin let us take a moment to honor our fallen heroes that gave all to

What is the difference
What is the difference? The difference is…. YOU! Do you feel differently now that you have not only decided to take control but also take

Did You Take Control
Did you take control? Did confusion and overwhelm get you or are you on you way to taking control? Last week we taught you how

Who Owns Your Future?
Who Owns Your Future? Truth is that is up to you! Ask yourself who owns your future and your first answer is I do, right?

May I? will you?
May I? The real question is…. Will you? We all know what we should do, but sometimes we “should” all over ourselves! What I mean

Time For Change Is Now!
Time For Change Is Now! Change or Transformation? So, let me ask you a question. What is your vision for your life? Hmm, good question,
Controlling Change
Controlling Change! Let’s take control of the change you want and need! April has been the month for change! Spring is in the air! It

What is change?
What Is Change Change is……. Have you ever said, “something has to change”? Usually that comes at a threshold point where you have backed yourself

April No Fools
April No Fools! Spring Has Sprung April No Fools April is here and we are programmed to think April fools, right? April is not for

Spring In To Change
Spring In To Change! Spring is a great time for change! Why is spring such a great time for change? Spring is a time of

The Change You Need
The Change You Need For The Life You Want What you need to get what you want! This week Coach Lew talks about getting what
Do More!
Do More! Do more of what you love and less of… Welcome back to another amazing episode of Breakthrough With Lew ! Today we are

What Now
What Now? You may ask what now? Find out in the video of the weeks episode of Breakthrough With Lew! My friends this is not

Is That All There Is ?
Is That All There Is? How many time have we asked ourselves this question in life? What do you think is missing? Is that

Action Baby!
Action Baby! Taking action is the key to success! Are you ready for some action? Who knows what to do, wants to do it and

Is your GPS on?
YOUR GPS! Where is your GPS taking you you? Hi guys Coach Lew again! My question for you today, is your GPS set? What does

Red Light Green Light
Red Light, Green Light What is it all about? Red light, green light, but what about yellow? We all love green lights in life. This

A Powerful Y Part 3 Of New Year New You
A Powerful Y, part 3 Of New Year New You On Breakthrough With Coach Lew Your Powerful Why (Y) Welcome back to part 3 of

Do you have a clear target?
Do you have a clear target? Target? Do you have a clear target? It is here! 2023 Has arrived! What about you. Are you still

New Year New You!
New year New you! New year, New you! 2023 rolls in with a bang! So what are you resolved to doing this year? The real

Rolling Start
Rolling Start Let’s roll on in to 2023! Don’t wait get ahead of the pack! While everyone else is waiting and contemplating, why don’t youo

Where Do We Go From Here
Where Do We Go From Here? Where will you be next year at this time? Where do we go from here? Have you ever felt

A New Day A New Way
A New day, A New Way! It is a new day and time for your new way! A New Day, A New Way! Last week

Always Done!
Always Done! Do what you aways do, get what you always have gotten! Always done! Have you ever asked someone why the do something and

You made it!
You made it! I know you made it becuase you are here! The question is how did you make it? You made it! Now what?

Thanksgiving! The true meaning! What does Thanks-Giving mean to you? Thanks-Giving You may have noticed I hyphenated the famous Holiday of Thanksgiving in the title.

What is your Y?
What is your Y? How does your “Y” affect your whole life? What is your “Y” Do you ever wonder why sometimes some people go

After fear comes….
After fear comes…… Freedom Baby! Beyond FEAR is…… FREEDOM! Have you ever feared something and then just stepped-up stared fear in the faced and took

Are you paralyzed by fear?
Paralyzed By Fear? We Have The Cure! paralyzed by fear? Paralyzed by fear? We have the cure! Are you holding yourself back because you are

Can I really?
Can I Really? Have you ever felt that fire of passion for something and knew you could, only to shoot yourself down minutes later by
Monday 7AM
Breakthrough With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Breakthrough whatever is stopping you in life! Learn the cutting edge tools for success! Start your week off right!
Tuesday 7:30PM
Healthy & Wealthy With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Get healthier and wealthier with simple tools everyone can use! Tune in and get ready for good change!
Thursday 7AM
Small Biz Talk With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur or ready to take your career to the next level, get ready to launch!
Thursday 7:30PM
Coach Lew After Dark

- Live Call In Radio Show
- Show details: CLAD is an open forum Q&A discussion where freedom of speech is encouraged! One rule is be respectful to all!
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